Acquisition: an efficient strategy to expand your company

Votre entreprise est en quête de croissance? Découvrez pourquoi l’acquisition est une stratégie gagnante pour votre organisation et apprenez comment mener avec succès une telle opération, grâce à l’expertise de Brahm A. Elkin, président et fondateur du Club M&A.

3 reasons to rely on acquisition

  • Increase your sales thanks to a company that is already operational
  • Break into new markets or sectors, locally and internationally
  • Enhance your business, manufacturing, and import processes

An answer to meeting your workforce challenges

The labour shortage in Quebec is a huge challenge for companies that want to grow. Acquisition is a way to gain experienced workers and enhance your company’s know-how and expertise. It’s also a way for an organization to generate business opportunities and provide their newer, younger workers with new challenges.

How do you make your acquisition project a success?

The human factor has to be at the core of your strategy. It’s the key to a successful acquisition. What do you need to keep in mind?

  • The target company’s organizational culture. It’s important to make sure from the start that it is compatible with your own and to anticipate how both cultures will merge.
  • Integrating new talent into your synergy strategy. This is a major challenge because your new workforce represents the skills your company is looking to develop and will become its engine of growth.
  • How does this integration work? There needs to be a symbiosis between your management team and the team within the acquired organization. This will allow you to avoid unpleasant surprises (ex.: HR conflicts) when you take over the new organization.
  • Communication must occur throughout the process. It must be clear and open, especially about your objectives. The challenge is to motivate employees affected by the changes caused by the acquisition.

With a larger and more experienced team as well as an increase in sales, acquisition is a springboard to help you get to the next level.

This video was produced in collaboration with Services Québec de l’Île-de-Montréal and the Ministère de l’Économie, des Sciences et de l’Innovation as part of the Acquistion initiative, co-presented by Fonds de solidarité FTQ  and Osler Lawers.

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